Before we discuss how to calculate an attack bonus 5e, lets define what it is. Simply, an attack bonus is a number that we add to a D20 roll when we make an attack in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition .
Dungeons and Dragons is a co-operative role playing game where everyone works together to create a fun story and go on interesting adventures.
Formula to Calculate Attack Bonus 5e.
To find the attack bonus, we use the formula below:

Most of the time, you’ll only have to worry about Ability Modifiers and Proficiency.
Enchantments are special bonuses or assets that can be applied to armor, tools or weapons through the use of an enchantment table. These bonuses go from +1 to +3.
While a class feature is a feature you get from your class. This would include spells from a Wizard, extra attacks from a Fighter, etc.
Additionally, the proficiency bonus represents your experience from a role playing viewpoint, and your power curve from a game design viewpoint.
Suppose you are playing the druid class in D&D 5e, if you are at +10 ability modifier, your proficiency bonus is +2, find your attack bonus.

Therefore, the attack bonus is 12.