In this article we will learn how to calculate miles per hour ahead of that, lets define it. mph is a British imperial and United States customary unit of speed expressing the number of miles covered in one hour.
To calculate speed in mph, you must have your distance in miles and time in hours. One mile per hour corresponds to a speed of 1.609 kilometers per hour, or 0.447 meters per second.
Formula to calculate Miles per Hour.

Example 1:
Suppose a locomotive travels for 12 miles in 2 hours. Calculate the speed of the locomotive in mph.

Therefore, the train’s speed in 6 miles per hour.
Example 2:
Suppose a rifle bullet took 4 seconds to hit a target placed a quarter mile. Calculate the speed of the bullet in mph.
Since mph = Distance in Miles ÷ Time in Hours
Convert time is seconds to hours.
= 4 ÷ 60
=0.067 hours.
= 0.25 ÷ 0.067
The bullet’s speed is 3.73mph.
Example 3:
Calculate the velocity of an aeroplane if it took 12 hours to reach its destination that was 3000 miles away.
mph = Distance in Miles ÷ Time in Hours
= 3000 ÷ 12
= 250mph