Prior to discussing how to calculate saving throw proficiency, let us define proficiency. Proficiency in a saving throw lets a character add his or her proficiency bonus to saving throws made using a particular ability score.
A successful saving throw typically either negates or reduces the effectiveness of what is being saved against.
The best three saving proficiency are wisdom, constitution, and dexterity. The three weak saves that rarely ever come up are strength, intelligence and charisma. The best saving throw to have a high score in is constitution.
Formula to Calculate Saving Throw Proficiency.
For all saving throws that your character is proficient, we calculate it using the formula below;

Dexterity measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance.
The Proficiency Bonus represents your experience from a role playing viewpoint, and your power curve from a game design viewpoint.
Example 1:
Find your proficient saving throw if you have a dexterity modifier of +3, and a proficiency modifier of +3.

Therefore, your proficient saving throw is +6.
Example 2:
Find your proficient saving throw if you have a dexterity modifier of +2 and a proficiency modifier of +6.
Saving Trow = Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency modifier
= 2 + 6
= 8
Hence, your proficient saving throw is +8.