In this article, we will define and discuss how to calculate age from date of birth. Your age is counted from the day you are born. That means your date of birth is a very important factor in determining what age you are.
Most website registration forms ask for your date of birth and they use that to determine what your age is. It’s also possible for you to calculate your own age, or someone else’s age with a date of birth.
Formula to Calculate Current Age From Date Of Birth.
Your current age is just a difference between the current date and the date you were born. Normally, we determine age by the number of years you have lived.
So normally, only the year of birth and current year are considered when calculating the age (in years). All you need to do is subtract the year of birth from the current year.
Nancy was born in the year 1992. Assuming we’re currently in the year 2019, What is Nancy’s age?

From the Example above, Nancy is 27 years old!
But this is usually an estimate age. If you want to get the age accurate to the months and days, then you can use tools to calculate for you. But you’ll need the exact birth date.