In this article, we will discuss how to calculate the area of a circle. We can find the area occupied by a circle in many different ways but the most straight forward way is to use the formula.

From the formula, all we need to find the area of a circle is the radius of the circle.
Radius: The distance from the center to the circumference of a circle

In an ideal situation, the radius will be given. But since it’s a straight line, it can also me measured.
Since Pi is always a constant, we only need to fill in the value of Pi (3.142) into the formula to calculate the are of the circle.
Problem: Find the area of a circle with a radius of 6cm.

Some Facts About Area Of a Circle:
The units of area of a circle depend on the units of the radius i.e. If radius was in cm then area will be in cm squared.
You can calculate the area of a circle if you have either the radius, diameter or circumference of the circle.
We can also use the area of the circle to calculate radius using the formula for calculating the area of the circle.