To calculate percentage, we need to understand what it is first. Sometimes calculating something and coming up with an answer isn’t enough. It takes the answer represented in percentage to give more meaning to the answer.
Percentage is a number or ratio that represents a fraction of 100. Where the 100 represents the whole (original) value. For instance 67% means 67/100
Percentage is denoted by the % symbol or pct abbreviation.
Formula to Calculate Percentage.
To calculate percentage of something, you need the value whose percentage you need, and the original value. Percentage is therefore;

For instance, if I have $100 and I spend $40, I’ll be left with $60. If we are asked to calculate the percentage of money spent, then $40 becomes our value of interest.

If from the same example, we were asked to calculate the percentage of money remaining, then our value of interest becomes the remaining $60. So;

NB: If you add the money spent and the money left, it adds up to the original $100. Also if you add up the percentage of money spent and the percentage of money left, you end up with the whole 100%.
Other circumstances might not be as straightforward as these but they will always resonate along the fraction of the interest value to the whole, then multiplied by 100. Always add % at the end of a percentage figure to make it clear.