TDEE is short for total daily energy expenditure.
It is the total number of calories that your body expends in 24 hours, including all activities.
TDEE vary widely in populations and is much higher for athletes or extremely active individuals.
Formula to calculate TDEE.
To calculate TDEE you must know your activity level, so that you know the right activity multiplier.
Activities multipliers include:
- Sedentary = 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
- Lightly active = 1.375 (light exercise/ sports 1-3 days/week)
- Moderately active = 1.55 (moderate exercise/ sports 6-7 days/week)
- Very active = 1.725 (hard exercise every day, or exercising 2 times per day)
- Extra active = 1.9 (hard exercise 2 or more times per day, or training for marathon)

Suppose you are training for a marathon and your BMR is 1300 calories per day. Calculate your TDEE.
Therefore, your activity multiplier will be 1.9.

Therefore, your TDEE is 2,470 calories per day.