In this article, we will learn how to calculate the volume of a cylinder but before that, lets define it. A cylinder is a geometrical shape that looks like a traditional tin with a circular base and a circular top. The volume is the space occupied and it’s measures in cubic units.
There are two main types of cylinders; a right circular cylinder and an oblique cylinder. The term “Cylinder” normally refers to the right circular cylinder unless stated otherwise. This is a cylinder whose elements are perpendicular to the base.

A cylinder has a circular top, a circular bottom and the side going round.
Formula to Calculate Volume of a Cylinder.
There’s a formula you can use to calculate the volume of a cylinder. This is a standard formula that assumes you have the radius (r) of the circle at the top (or bottom), and vertical height (h) of the cylinder. So Volume (V);

What is the volume of a cylinder wit a radius of 3m and a height of 5m?
Since we already have our values; r=3 and h=5 and π will always be 3.142 then all we need to do is feed these values into the cylinder volume formula.